TRoK! presenta: Tsigoti + Leg Leg | sabato 19.12.09

 _ sabato 19 dicembre, ore 22



TRoK! JointSventure proudly presenta:

   * TSIGOTI   [quaZiPunk – firenze]

   * LEG LEG [noiZeRock – ancona]

… una produzione JointSventure

  more infos sugli artisti:

TSIGOTI  (ex- Waristerror Terroriswar)

Waristerror Terroriswar (Now TSIGOTI) is a collaborative and improvisational quazi-punk band dedicated to expressing their opposition for war, authoritarian regimes, and violent religious extremes. It’s a band made up of members from two different continents with a tremendous amount of experience in a wide variety of musical situations. Their first album transpired the year after the 2006 war between Lebanon and Israel though it is not about that war specifically but war in general. Some songs were written in a few hours, and without teaching them to each other they recorded the first album "TheBrutalRealityOfModernBrutality" in 3 days. They met again this past year to record a second album "Private Poverty Speaks To The People Of The Party", play their first shows to wildly enthusiastic audiences, and reconfirm their collective skeptical optimism.

TSIGOTI (meaning ‘I see’ in Cherokee language) is the next step. Same people, same instruments, same improvisational spirit, now with more involvement and time to craft songs. This time war is seen from the inside, from people who suffer being attacked, trapped, imprisoned, terrorized and tricked. The music has become more complex, with guest musicians from our Valdisieve family (Edoardo Ricci, Samuele Venturin, Francesco di Mauro, and a choir of a dozen of friends). A multi-layered approach to the sound, exploiting new recording techniques and equipment, brings Tsigoti sound to your ears exploding in all its controversial spikes. The artwork is signed by master cartoonist Squaz and the album will be released in december 2009 by ESP-Disk, distributed worldwide.



Leg leg accelerates, then slows down, then becomes geometric, obscure,
obsessive, cold and occasionally melodic. Mathematic grooves, guitar
loops and unexpected rock’n roll impulses.

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